"Enlarge my Faith"

I'm a bit of note-taker. It helps me take things in, and apply them later in life when I really need them.

Our team met yesterday, and sat down and talked about the future of our trip. One of the things that Sharon said I found particularly note worthy was the concept of "Enlarge my Faith". Father God, put a huge obstacle in our way, and help us to overcome it proving once again that nothing is greater than You. Thus our faith is restored.

We're still going to go, and do the things we set out to do. Taking good use of the strength and courage we've been given; and also downsizing our luggage capacity just a tad.

I'm quite sure Peter says it best.

4:(12) Dear Friends do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you. (13) But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.

(15) If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. (16) However if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.

(19) So then those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.

It's long, but incredibly lovely and inspirational. I've always thought that overcoming hurdles is a very unique way to get close to someone. Our team together deciding to address this hurdle with our great Faith allows for incredible closeness. There was a great energy while our little group packed Meds and prayed yesterday, and it will serve us well in the time to come.


The day I decided to go to South Africa was also one of the worst days of my life. Waking up angry, to getting to a point where I was so ridden with anger, frustration and sorrow I could barely handle sitting in my own skin. Looking back I also see it as a day God intervened to help one of His children with a momentarily broken soul.

Not only did He send this opportunity my way, by what felt like complete chance, He took care of a lot of my hurdles. Being able to take all of my exams early, the fact that school ends the day before we leave, getting the time covered from work, and that one last plane ticket that happened to be reserved. From day one, I have felt like this is my way to serve God- because He told me so.

So I thought that was it. All my obstacles were taken care of, I am going to South Africa!

For a long time I have been thinking that this trip has been something to help save me. I didn't realize until today (and a lot of thinking) that REALLY it has been something to challenge me.

I still believe God put me on this path, but I'm going to have to fight to stay on it. Fight with Love, Faith, Prayer and Hope. We all have to.

We spoke about adversity in each of our own lives at our last meeting. In moments of bringing some of our fears and challenges to the surface, our seemingly small team got that much closer. Now we face adversity as a team, in an unexpected way that has potential to powerfully change our trip.

I recieved the following email from Sarah today:

Hello all!

As you know, our medical mission trip to eSikhawini, SA is scheduled to go April 16th to May 2nd this year. As you also know, we have, for the past 6 years, been invited and welcomed by the medical community in the area to come and conduct our clinics. This year, a new individual is overseeing the medical community in the area. So far, our request for permission to come has been met with silence. Today, we received word that our request will most likely be denied. The Mafus are hoping to speak with the individual directly very soon. In the meantime they have asked for our prayers. So please, take a few moments in the next hours/days and lift these prayers to God:

1) That our request to provide medical care to the people in eSikhawini will be granted.

2) That we will find favor with the new leaders of the medical community there.

3) That if the door closes through which we have been invited the past several years, a new door will be opened.

4) That the hearts of those making the decisions will be softened and their minds opened.

5) That God's will be done, whatever that may be.....

Team, Sharon and I do not have many answers right now. What we know, is that we cannot control anything happening in SA. But what we also know, is that our God is a BIG God, and He can do all things. We will keep you all updated as soon as we know anything. For now, we are planning to go as scheduled. Let's pray believing that will be the case!

Thanks, all.


Adversity will always be there. We were made to climb, and part of that beauty is that there will always be more mountains. It is one more way we are called upon to apply the Love, Hope and our the Spiritual Strength that we've been given. Please help us by coming together and praying for these things.


Without an update in a sad 11 months, there is new news for 2010.

First of all an intro, I'm Jessica...and I am the "designated blogger" for this year's trip. I accidentally stumbled upon this trip in February. I'm a nursing student at OU and this is my first experience with a mission trip AND going to South Africa. So my postings will be primarily conjecture until we make the big trip in...41 days!

We've gotten a bit of a late start this year, for reason's no one has really been able to pinpoint, and with a smaller team than usual..but we feel our team is divinely created for a unique trip this year.

I hope you will enjoy taking this journey with me :)

South Africa Stats

  • an average 15 yo South African has a 50% chance of dying from AIDS
  • 30 - 60% of the Kwa-Zulu Nation is HIV Positive
  • 2010 projection of 2.5 million HIV orphans
  • 50,000 new AIDS cases each month

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Waiting for the Clinic to Open

Waiting for the Clinic to Open