Team Greeting (Monday)


Today was another beautiful, yet exhausting day under the warm South African sun. We worked hard all day packing and sorting medicines to prepare for our first clinic tomorrow! We’ll be trekking nearly three hours up a mountain to Inguavuma to care for the sick and tired, who faithfully await our arrival.

Our group spent the greater part of today tirelessly counting more Ibuprofen, vitamins, etc. then you could shake a stick at…and we’ve only just begun! However, all our diligence paid off as we enjoyed an inspiring Bible study and fabulous meal. Reverend Robertson led Bible study in the eSikhawini church, where we partook in traditional Zulu hymns and took prayer requests from all members of our group. Then off to a fantastic dinner prepared by Hilda, Norberta, Angela, and Bob (a visitor from the states).

Some fun aspects of our day included: Prasanth getting reamed out by a house full of early risers for making Folgers coffee as opposed to Starbucks and Sarah and Sharon blowing the electricity in the middle of cooking dinner. Never a dull moment in the Mafu’s home!

I’d like to ask all of you to keep us in your prayers this evening. Tomorrow will be trying physically, emotionally, and spiritually as we serve the weak and weary. The least and last of Inguavuma are the first and foremost in God’s heart. Also, I just wanted to remind you all that we will be at the game park Tuesday and Wednesday night, so your next message won’t arrive until Thursday. So no panic attacks…

Until our next email…Siakuthanda! (We Love You!)

All my love,
Allie & The Team

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South Africa Stats

  • an average 15 yo South African has a 50% chance of dying from AIDS
  • 30 - 60% of the Kwa-Zulu Nation is HIV Positive
  • 2010 projection of 2.5 million HIV orphans
  • 50,000 new AIDS cases each month

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Waiting for the Clinic to Open

Waiting for the Clinic to Open